Black Crazy Ant

Paratrechina longicornis

Color: Black and Brown

Size: 2.3 – 4 mm

Shape: Slender elongated body, Oval head

Diet: Insects, meat or other organic matter

Habitat: Worldwide

General Behavior

They move quickly and unpredictably.

Their colonies are large and extensive.

They form satellite nests.

They are more active at night.

They adapt to all environmental conditions.

They avoid encounters with humans and other species.


Invade kitchens and food storage, contaminating food items and surfaces.

Nests within electrical equipment can cause short circuits or malfunctioning.

May carry bacteria and pathogens, increasing risks of disease transmission.

Nesting in wall voids and under flooring can cause structural disturbances over time.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Visible Trails

Indoor Nesting

Foraging Behavior

Erratic Movement