Fire Ant 

Solenopsis invicta

Color: Reddish-brown body with darker brown or black abdomen.

Size: 2 – 8 mm

Shape: Oval Head, Smooth Body, Two Knot Abdomen

Nutrition: Protein, Sugars, Seeds and Plants

Habitat: Southern USA, Australia, China, Caribbean and South America

By Stephen Ausmus -, Public Domain,

General Behavior

They build large mounds that can reach up to 46 cm.

Their colonies are very large, up to 250,000 workers.

They become aggressive and bite when their nests are disturbed.

Their activity increases in the warmer months.


Their bites can cause pain and itching and may cause an allergic reaction.

They damage crops and livestock.

They can damage electrical equipment.

They kill or displace native ants, thus damaging the ecosystem.