Camponotus vicinus
Color: Black
Size: 6 – 13 mm
Shape: Round chest, Long legs, Big chin
Nutrition: Plant extracts, dead and live insects, sugary productsThey use the wood for nests.
Habitat: USA and Canada
They build their nests in rotting wood.
Wood shavings are found at the nest entrances.
They are usually active at night.
They search for food within 100 meters of their nest.
They build many satellite colonies supporting the main nest.
They use their jaws for defense, biting and spraying formic acid.
Even if they do not feed on wood, they cause structural damage as they scrape and burrow.
They damage buildings made of wood.
Structural damage to window sills, doors, etc.
Rustling sounds coming from inside walls and wooden products.
Activity of live ants.
Hollow wooden products.