European Tarantula

Lycosa tarantula

Color: Dark Brown

Size: 20 – 30 mm

Shape: Long-legged, hairy body, eyes in row of 3

Nutrition: Carnivore. Grasshoppers, insects and small spiders

Habitat: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece

By Pixin - Own work, Public Domain,

General Behavior

They like to hunt actively, they are fast and strong.

They like dry and warm areas, rocky terrain, bushes, etc.

They dig the soil and build burrows.

When not hunting, they stay in their burrows.

They are active at night.

They avoid confrontation and attack defensively.

Females can live up to 10 years.


The bite is poisonous but the venom is mild, with local pain, swelling and redness.

It is not dangerous unless there is an allergic reaction.

If provoked, it will attack.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Silk-lined nests are seen in loose soils.

Activity at night

Appearance of shed hairs

Reduction of insect population