Attacus atlas
Color: Orange, Red and Brown Patterns; Cream, black and pink
Size: 25 – 30 cm
Figure: Wide triangular wings, The body is small and short, Antennae are feathery and large
Nutrition: Adults cannot feed. Mango, Guava trees and Citrus fruits in the caterpillar stage
Habitat: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia and South China
It usually prefers areas such as tropical forests, woodlands and leafy shrubs.
They are active at night. They communicate with pheromones.
Adults live between 5 and 7 days.
Females can lay up to 150 eggs on host plants.
The wing tips mimic snake heads.
They feed in the caterpillar stage and weave dense silk cocoons.
They are not harmful to humans.
They have no sting or poison. They do not bite.
Caterpillars are herbivorous, causing plant leaves to fall off.
This shedding does not affect agricultural activities.
Green caterpillars appear on mangoes and citrus fruits.
They leave feeding marks on leaves.
They have large silk cocoons attached to the leaves.
Adult Atlas moths are seen near lights.
Causes defoliation on small trees.