Cigarette Beetle

Lasioderma serricorne

Color: Brown, Slightly shiny appearance

Size: 2 – 3 mm

Shape: Oval, Compat and Hump

Nutrition: Adults eat infrequently, consuming stored food.
Larvae eat tobacco, stored grains, dried fruits, etc.

Habitat: Worldwide

By Unknown author - Popular Science Monthly Volume 76, Public Domain,

General Behavior

They live in places such as stored food facilities, warehouses, homes, production areas.

Their life cycle involves laying eggs on food sources.

During the pupal stage they form silky cocoons.

They are most active above 18°C.

Adults are strong fliers and are attracted to light.


They have no threats against people. They don’t bite, they don’t spread diseases.

They are economically damaging.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Sighting of adult insects flying and crawling on surfaces in the presence of light sources.

Larvae on food and food packaging.

Appearance of holes in packaging.

Bad odor and bad taste in food