Color: Black with white stripes on the body. White stripes are found all over its body.
Shape: It has an elongated body.
Length: between 2-10mm.
Nutrition: Females feed on blood to produce eggs. Both males and females consume plant juices.
Behavior: They are very active during the day.
Habitat: Its homeland is Southeast Asia. It has spread all over the world due to trade activities. They lay their eggs in moist areas and stagnant water.
Threats from Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
Dengue Fever,
Zika virus,
West Nile.
With their tendency to lay eggs in small puddles, they can be colonized very easily. In cities it is very difficult to control these areas. Since they are very active during the day, they are more in contact with humans.
Public health is threatened by the diseases they carry. They therefore challenge the health system.