Argentine Ant

Linepithema humile

Color: Brown

Size: 2.2 – 6 mm

Shape: Thin-bodied, smooth and hairless

Nutrition: Dessert, protein and fats

Habitat: USA, South America, Southern Europe, Australia

By Thmazing - Own work, Public Domain,

General Behavior

It is a social species. They form large colonies with multiple queens.

They cause aggressive infestation of the areas where they live

They nest in soil, under rocks and inside buildings.

They use regular routes to search for food and water in confined spaces.


They cause material damage to food and products.
They invade buildings and damage materials such as insulation and cables.
They cause bacteria and pathogens to be transferred to food and beverage surfaces.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Visible ant trails form around their food stores and in the areas where they are located.
Their nests are found in damp soils and walls.
Appearance of live ants in food stores