Loxosceles reclusa
Color: Medium Brown
Size: 0.25 – 0.5 inch (6 – 12 mm)
Shape: Long, thin legs, 6 eyes
Diet: Insects, cockroaches, crickets, ants, etc.
Habitat: Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas
They actively hunt at night, incapacitating with their poisonous bites.
They prefer dark and quiet areas. Basements, roofs and warehouses in dwellings.
Outdoors, they prefer places such as woodpiles, sheds, etc. They avoid cold and precipitation.
They weave spider webs to catch their prey.
They bite for defense, their bites are strong and poisonous.
Their populations are declining because they are being destroyed after being seen in their habitats.
They pose no direct threat to humans.
Live spider sightings in dark and quiet areas.
Non-sticky webs in corners and behind furniture.
Sightings of dead insects.