California Carpenter Bee 

Xylocopa californica

Color: Men Golden yellow or tan
Females Black in color

Size: 1.5 – 2.5 cm

Shape: Stocky, oval-shaped body

Nutrition: Sage, sunflower, etc.

Habitat: California and Southwestern USA

By Joshua Tree National Park - California carpenter bee, Public Domain,

General Behavior

They usually live in woodlands, gardens and urban areas.

They prefer warm climates, with summer and spring being their most active time.

They tunnel into dead trees and wooden structures.

These tunnels can reach up to 30 cm.

They do not travel as a colony, they are solitary.

They are strong fliers and stay close to flowers and wood.


They damage wooden products such as fences and decks.

They disrupt the structure of the wood due to re-nesting in the same areas.

Females can sting for defense if provoked.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

They drill 1 cm holes in wooden structures.

Feces are seen under the holes.

Bees seen flying around the wood.

Buzzing sound coming from the wood they nest in.