Pogonomyrmex californicus
Color: Reddish Brown
Size: 5 – 10 mm
Shape: Large head, Two-part waist, Pair of protruding breasts
Nutrition: Seeds, small insects and other organic matter
Habitat: USA Southwest, California
They search for seeds and food sources in an organized way.
Their colonies consist of a queen and thousands of workers.
They build underground burrows, often marked with seed remains.
Their bite can be painful, they may bite to protect their nest.
Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction after their bite.
Their bites are painful to humans.
They hoard seeds and damage crops.
The nests they build can damage the garden layout.
If soil structure surrounded by seed particles is observed,
Ants seen alive carrying food in an organized way,
Biting people indicates that their nests are nearby.