Desert Recluse Spider 

Loxosceles deserta

Color: Sandy Brown

Size: 7 – 12 mm

Shape: Slender long legs, Abdomen oval and smooth

Nutrition: Carnivorous.

Habitat: Arizona, Nevada, California, Mexico

General Behavior

They are an introverted species and avoid humans and large animals.

They prefer to live in dry and undisturbed areas.

They are active at night to hunt and hide during the day.

They weave irregular and small nets.

They live in extreme desert climates.


They rarely bite. Their bites are poisonous, causing tissue damage.

Bite symptoms can be painless or slightly painful.

There are symptoms such as redness and swelling.

If the symptoms become severe, you should seek medical attention.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Irregular webs in dark and quiet areas.

Sighting of live activity.

Sighting of cream-colored egg sacs.

Reduced presence of small insects.