German Cockroaches

Blattella germanica

Color: Light brown

Size: 12-16mm

Shape: Slim and oval body, wings, long antennae

Diet: They like leftovers, bread, sugary and starchy products.

Habitat: Worldwide

CDC - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #6324.

German Cockroach Behavior?

They are active at night. Daytime sightings are a sign of major infestation. They move fast. They like to live in humid environments. They thrive in warm and humid environments such as kitchens and bathrooms.
They live close to food sources. They are usually about 3 meters in diameter. They hide in narrow spaces such as appliance motor parts, plumbing interiors, wall cracks.

When they go out looking for food, their feces and body parts contaminate the food.

They reproduce fast. They can lay up to 40 eggs. Populations increase very fast.

They avoid light. They tend to scatter and quickly flee to dark areas.

They can show resistance to insecticides. Therefore, they are very difficult to control.

They use pheromones to communicate. They follow pheromone trails and survive in clusters.

They can survive for weeks without food but only a few days without water. Therefore, they leave their burrows in search of water.

Temperatures between 21-32°C are ideal for their survival.

Threats from German Cockroaches

Cross Contamination,
Triggering Asthma,
Food Contamination,
Poisoning by Feces,
Material Damage
Fast Reproduction,
Psychological Effects,
Resistance to Pesticides,

Signs of a German Cockroach Infestation

Where do I see it most often?

In hot and humid environments such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, engine parts of electronic devices.

When do I see it?

At night, but if we detect it during the day, we are in a very severe infestation.

Other Signs;

Dead Cockroaches

Feces (similar to small dark peppercorns)

On the sides of walls,

Egg cases (Oothecae)

Mold Odor

Food Damage,

Chew marks

Contaminated Foods,

Body Parts