Japanese Cockroach

Periplaneta japonica

Color: Brown and black

Size: 2.5 – 3 cm

Shape: Oval with thin legs

Nutrition: Food scraps and organic food

Habitat: Japan

General Behavior

They are active at night. During the day they hide in quiet and dark areas.

They are resistant to cold climates.

They can live in urban and agricultural areas.

They are not an aggressive species and generally avoid humans.

They can cause problems in residential areas due to their rapid reproduction.


Carrying disease,

Allergic reactions,


Structural damage.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Sightings of live cockroaches,

Sightings of dead cockroaches,

Fecal remains

Egg ( Oothecae),

Skeletal rashes,

The smell of mold,

Damage to products.