Latrodectus tredecimguttatus
Color: Shiny black with red spots on the abdomen
Size: 10 – 15 mm
Shape: Rounded abdomen, shiny textured leg
Nutrition: Carnivorous. Insects, flies, grasshoppers and arthropods.
Habitat: Southern Europe, North Africa and Central Asia
They weave intricate webs to catch their prey.
They like dry and warm climates, rocky outcrops, farmland, etc.
Females are solitary and not social except for mating.
They are active at night and invisible during the day.
They are not aggressive but attack for defense.
Females lay between 50 and 300 eggs.
Their bites are poisonous. They contain neurotoxins that cause latrodectism.
Bites are rarely fatal, medical intervention may be required.
They bite in defense.
They form irregular webs in quiet sheltered places, such as cracks, crevices, under rocks.
Live spider activity,
Visualization of egg sacs,
Unexplained bites.