
Columba livia

Color: Blue and Gray feather

Size: 32 – 37 cm

Shape: Chubby body, short neck, small head

Nutrition: Omnivorous scavengers, grains, seeds, fruits, etc.

Habitat: Worldwide

Photo by Rajesh S Balouria: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-pigeon-on-the-ground-12583529/

General Behavior

They prefer temperate climates but adapt to the outdoors.

They nest in areas such as rocky ledges, building ledges and bridges.

They live in flocks of 20 – 30 individuals. They have strong pair bonds.

They use the earth’s magnetic field and visual markings to find their way.

They can breed throughout the year, but their peak breeding period is during the warmer months.


The diseases they transmit;



They risk transmitting diseases such as psittacosis.

Their feces breed fungi and bacteria.

As their feces are acidic, they damage metal surfaces and paints.

They cause blockages due to nesting in chimneys and vents.

How Do We Recognize Infestation?

Nest marks in areas such as roofs and overhangs,

Observation of their activities in open spaces,

Feces found on buildings, sidewalks, cars.