Pogonomyrmex badius
Color: Reddish Brown
Size: 6 – 10 mm
Shape: Rounded chest and head, Two-parted
Diet: Seeds, insects and invertebrates
Habitat: Florida, Georgia and South Carolina
They build nests underground and these nests reach up to 2 meters deep.
They clean the plants around the nests.
They can carry seeds several times their own weight.
Colonies have a single queen and small populations.
They aggressively defend their nests.
They are very active in spring and summer.
They use pheromones for defense and foraging.
When they sting humans, they cause pain, swelling and allergies.
They damage other ant species and vegetation in their search for food.
They affect plant populations because they collect seeds.
The area around their nests is clean and flat-topped.
They are seen carrying seeds and insects.
They cause disturbance by stinging people in open areas.